
Download the Squash Waikato Wall Calendar / Tournament planner using the link below


Generally run over a weekend, tournaments are a great way to get competitive games in a  friendly social atmosphere.  You get a minimum of three matches over the weekend, so even if you lose a couple you  may be in line to get a prize!

There are several types of tournaments:
These are open to all grades and players.
These are restricted to certain grades.  e.g B grade tournament is for B grade players and below.  D-J tournament is for players between D & J grade.
Age Group
Only players within certain ages groups are eligible.  e.g Masters or Juniors.  Sometimes these tournaments are divided up into grade, and sometimes they are divided up into age groups.
These are for players from certain clubs/regions.  e.g. Club Champs.
Teams Events
Even though it is an individual sport, teams events such as Super Champs  provide some of the most rewarding experiences at all levels.

Tournaments normally  cost between $20-$40 per person for a whole weekend of fun.  The cost often includes a supper, or special event.  

In order to compete in tournaments, you must be a registered member of a club and on the MySquash list.  If you would like to be placed on the grading list, please contact us at or the respective Club Captains.